Sunday, April 13, 2008

-2- Master of Love and Mercy : Cheng Yen

“Life is journey; we board an express train at birth and head for the unavoidable destination of death. The scenery drifts by, and the only meaningful thing we can do is to be good and kind to our fellow passengers”

“We will send our love and care to wherever help is needed, transcending the differences of race religion and nationality”

--- Master Cheng Yen---

Master Cheng Yen, She is a respected and loved person of mine and millions people around the world. Before I went TzuChi, I had learnt about TzuChi foundation and her history that made me wonder why only a young age nun that be alone at first could establish such a great and worldwide foundation, had many members and supporters around the world and has had numerous projects along her life to assist the needy people transcending the differences of race religion and nationality.

And this is summarized history of Master Cheng Yen

Wang Chin-Yun, now known as Master Cheng Yen, was born May 14, 1937, in Ching shui, a small town in central Taiwan. As a young girl, she engaged in deep contemplation, asking where life came from, where deep contemplation, asking where life came from, where people went when they died and what the people lived for. She decided to leave her home and find a temple where she could take refuge in the Buddha. Master, she was in hardship, she and followers lived by their own strength. Their rule was, “If you don’t work, you don’t eat”

One day in 1966, Master went to see a sick follower at a hospital and she saw a pool of blood on the floor. Someone told that it was an aboriginal woman living in the mountains had had a miscarriage, and her family had carried her by foot down from the mountains for 8hours to the hospital. But the hospital required deposit fee before surgery could be performed and they did not have so she must be carry back her home.

Because of this story Master decided to establish a charity foundation to help the poor and educate the rich. She began her work by asking each of her thirty followers, mostly housewives, to save fifty cents from their daily grocery money. The woman asked “why should we save fifty cents every day. Wouldn’t it be easier just to save fifteen dollar per month”. The Master said “it’s not the same. If you save once a month, them you only show your compassion once a month. Even ehough the fifty cents you save daily is not of great value, you accumulate the spirit of helping and loving others everyday”

The program gathered strength as more and more people participated. On March 24, 1966, the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi foundation was formally established. Under the firm belief and inspiration of the Master, the number of Tzu Chi members grew rapidly. Small accomplishments slowly accumulated, like sand piling up to form a mountain

And now I can answer my question in the first paragraph… Master, she started everything from her love and mercy. The original love from her heart give to everyone around her and all living creature, each of them give to others around them and lots of love spread from 1, 2,.. and immense love is extended around the world now.

Master, she denied to get a Nobel Price. She said that the Hospitals, schools, foundation and all of projects were not her own achievement but they came from a lot of people’s love and mercy.. that is such an impressive saying.

Eventually, I feel thankful to all of my friends ultimately to spread their love and kindness to me, give me an information, inspiration and let me learn more about Master and TzuChi foundation. Absolutely I must be gratitude to them by extending my love to others as well. It is not important what nationality, race, or religion we are, we can love everyone unconditionally.

1 comment:

Willy Yanto Wijaya said...

Taiwan is so lucky to have a living compassionate bodhisatta...

very nice blog ;)


willy yanto wijaya